cell: (805) 252-7939
M.A. Counseling with an emphasis in Depth Psychology, Pacifica Graduate Institute, Carpinteria, CA. Thesis: Sofia in Broken Time: A Modern Myth of Feminine Individuation. (Available-Amazon)
Ph.D, Educational Psychology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA., emphasis School of Nursing, Ph.D. Dissertation: The Effects of a Parenting Program on Mother-Infant Interaction, the Home Environment, and Maternal Feelings. 55 mother-infant pairs, 9 month longitudinal study through School of Nursing; Trained 11 data collectors using Brazelton-Barnard parent-infant observation instruments.
M.A. Early Childhood Education, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA.
B.A.Developmental Psychology, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
Professional Experienc
Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC in Colorado). Psychotherapy practice. Crime Victims Compensation. EMDR, Trauma, PTSD, Grief, 18 year olds-elders, individuals. Co-parenting, parent education. Advocacy. Difficult relationships. Depression, anxiety, stress management, sexual, physical, emotional abuse, career challenges.
Previous Experience
2014-15 Instructor, Psychology, Front Range Community College. Design curricula, teach introductory psychology course, use D2L and technology, support students.
Lecturer, CU Boulder. I taught Introductory Psychology to small groups of college students.
Psychology/Educational Consultant, Adventure Montessori, Lafayette, CO. During the school year, I consult part-time with teachers, administration, and families with challenging students. Provide trainings, individualized teaching and behavior plans, facilitate a Girls’ Group, mediate staff issues, provide counseling services to staff, and refer to resources.
Director, Camp Invention, Summer Camp, Boulder, CO. I hired and trained staff and volunteers, implemented curricula, liaisoned with the national organization, and administered the site. This is a nationally recognized program created by the National Inventors Hall of Fame, focusing on creativity, innovation, real-world problem solving, and the spirit of invention for elementary students.
2010-12 Affiliate Faculty Member, Regis University. Designed and taught upper-level college courses in ethics and in psychology. Graduate student advisor/Masters thesis projects.
8/2008- 8/2010 Life Coach, Coaching Individuals Facing Challenges,. Private practice Santa 8/2010 Barbara, CA, Clients who are creative, resourceful and whole sometimes need a trained, experienced and supportive professional to help them focus and achieve their goals.
1993-2011 Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Licensed in WA State. Private Practice 1993-2008. Depth psychotherapy with children, high-risk adolescents and adults . Specialization in trauma, PTSD, depression, couples, families, conduct, anxiety disorders. Certified in EMDR.
9/2010- 7/2011 Hospice of Santa Barbara, Inc., Designed/facilitated grief/loss groups, counseled
high-risk adolescents, Los Prietos Boys Camp (juvenile detention facility), El Puente Alternative High School, San Marcos High School, Parenting After Loss groups.
5/2003 – 8/2003 Diversion Program Administrator. Washington State Bar Association, Seattle,WA. Partnered with the Office of Disciplinary Counsel. Created innovative disciplinary program, HIPAA-compliant systems, policies, procedures, client intake and multiple other forms, databases, evaluations, and networks. Managed, worked independently with highly-confidential disciplinary cases. Designed/maintained research database. Supervised support staff. Trained allied professionals, attorneys, judges, diverse groups. Designed and conducted comprehensive screening interviews. Wrote terms for Diversion Program contracts. Designed and managed American Bar Association Gambrell Award Project application. Provided consultation to Lawyer Services Dept. clinical colleagues re psychotherapy, brief-solution focused and cognitive-behavioral therapies, sober support. Trained departments in policies/procedures, Provided consultation to law firms. Outreach and Liaison to agencies/individual providers of services to attorneys in discipline. Coordinated teams of mental health providers . Provided local, state and national training programs including U of WA School of Law, Seattle U. School of Law, County Bars, WSBA Ethics School, CLE courses, Presiding Judges State Conference, National Organization of Bar Counsel, ABA Committee on Lawyer Assistance Programs.
Psychotherapist, WSBA Lawyers Assistance Program. Provided individual psychotherapy, short- and long-term depth, to attorneys and judges. Designed policies, procedures, forms, and maintained HIPAA-compliant confidential records. Trained colleagues re above. Designed and taught local, state and national trainings. Wrote articles. Made referrals internal and external; multiple professions. Developed and coordinated peer counselor volunteer attorneys and judges, sober support statewide network. Coordinated care. Designed local and national educational trainings. Planned events.
3/97- 5/2001 Clinical Director, Separation and Loss Services, Virginia Mason Medical Center, Seattle, WA. Wrote, managed Internal Review Board (IRB) process. Obtained Soros Foundation, Dart Foundation, U.S. Department of Justice, and state/national Victims of Crime Act grants. Wrote compliance and final reports. Designed treatment model. Provided expert-level intervention in treating violent loss/PTSD/traumatic grief; referral to comprehensive services; clinical case consultation; court advocacy. Collaborated with many agencies, locally, statewide and nationally.
3/97- Researcher/Consultant/Trainer, Homicide Support Project, Virginia Mason Medical Center, Seattle, WA. US DOJ OVC training and research grant. Provided training to 13 national project sites, multi-site briefings and evaluations, ongoing clinical case and project consultation; co-author with Dr. E.K. Rynearson, MD, 3 manuals, 2 articles, book chapters. Trained medical examiners; medical students; victims assistance workers; child advocates; FBI; teachers; nurses; graduate students.
10/99- Co-Principal Investigator/Psychotherapist/Consultant/Trainer, Designed The
5/2001 Echo Glen Project. Wrote and managed Soros Open Society Institute, Death in America grant. Designed and conducted traumatic grief art therapy for incarcerated adolescents. Trained juvenile detention administrative/counseling staff. Wrote training materials. Designed data collection. National presentations. Co-authored with Dr. E.K. Rynearson, MD, manuals, articles and book chapters.
3/97- Consultant and Faculty, Consulted/taught, “Trauma and the Media”
8/2000 DART/School of Communications, U of Washington, Seattle, WA.
3/2000- Consultant, Office for Victims of Crime, Training and Technical Assistance
3/2001 Center, Rockville, MD. Research, program development/evaluation.
1998-1999 Faculty, Child Therapy Association, “Psychotherapy with Children Living in Chaos”. Researched, designed, taught adolescent development and treatment to senior analysts, graduate-level and agency-based therapists.
1994-1999 Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA), Family Law Court, King Co. Superior Court. Court-appointed child guardian in family court proceedings.
Professional Associations
American Counseling Association (ACA). This organization provides professional development for counselors who help to empower individuals, families, and groups to accomplish mental health, wellness, education, and career goals.
Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) and Colorado Association of Family and COAFCC. We value respectful collaboration with parents, families, and a range of allied professionals to empower families to resolve conflict and make decisions as co-parents about the future of their children and families involved in the judicial system.
Boulder Friends of Jung, Member. We are a supportive community dedicated to exploring the ideas and legacy of C.G.Jung, including psychological awareness, inner resources, creativity, purpose and meaning.
CG Jung Society of Colorado Springs. The C. G. Jung Society of Colorado Springs is a membership-supported organization open to all those interested in exploring the analytical psychology of Carl Jung and the application of his many-faceted thought to other fields of study such as mythology, symbolism, typology, studies, art and literature, religious studies, anthropology, the psyche-matter spectrum, archetypal imagery, personal relationships, and group dynamics. The Society endeavors to provide a supportive atmosphere for lay and professional study, reflection and growth. Member. ongoing “The Red Book” Study Group.
Volunteer Activities
Crime Victims Compensation provider. I specialize in treating families, friends, and communities who have experienced losses due to violence (suicide, homicide, natural disaster, crash, medical, overdose).
Emergency Family Assistance Agency (EFFA). We ensure that our community has access to food, housing, and other resources to move toward financial stability and resilience. When families thrive, our community is stronger. Weekly food bank volunteer.